Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 13: Make dinner with my brother & Make ice cream while babysitting

My brother and I have been talking about cooking together for awhile now. We figured we'd make a simple meal and it would go well. Haha, well aparently I forget who my brother is sometimes. We managed to pull it off, but the poor guy did a lot less help than hurt. I do have to break it to him that he did do a lot of the dishes - which was super helpful. Anyway, we made spaghetti with olive oil, green beans, strawberries, and bread. It was pretty good - in the end. Unfortunatley, I was too caught up to take any pictures, so you'll have to just trust that it looked something like this:

After dinner, we made ice cream in ziplocs. It's super easy and our 2-year-old friend Ellie loved to shake it up. I got this recipie from my chem teacher, and it's fool-proof.

sealable quart size freezer bag
1/2 cup milk
1/8 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon of flavoring (we used vanilla)
1-2 drops of food coloring
sealable gallon size freezer bag
2 cups ice
1/8 cup of rock salt (I suggest the one called "ice cream salt")

1. Dissolve sugar, flavoring and food coloring into the milk by gently shaking the quart bag for 45-60 seconds
2. Place the ice and rock salt into the gallon bag
3. Seal and drop the entire quart bag into the gallon bag (remove as much air from the small bag as possible)
4. Seal the gallon bag, hold it in a horizontal position and shake the large bag with hand on each end of the bag
5. Shake until the ice cream gets to a soft serve consistency
6. Pull out the small bag, rinse off the outside, and grab a spoon. (Yum!)

So it wasn't technically while babysitting, but we did it with a 2-year-old, so I'm counting it. (:

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