Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day: I don't know

So I came in on this journey just to make sure this summer wasn't a total bore! And it hasn't been! I do admit that I have not been keeping up with my blog - sorry about that - but as summer is coming to a close I don't want to spend all my time online.

In closing, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog, as I figured no one ever would. And I would like to commend others for making and following through with similar goals to mine.

It would take me forever to try to catch you up on everything I have done recently, so I will provide a few last pictures. And I hope you have seen how much I have enjoyed this summer; I don't want it to end!

Thanks, and I love you all! (:

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 38: Help a child accomplish something & Decorate shoes & Make a card for no apparent reason & Get a tan but not a burn

You few readers have probably hit yourselves repeatedly after reading the title to what is about to be ANOTHER MAKEUP POST! (;

But, the more the merrier - right?

Well let's just get started...

So last week I was apprenticing at Lexington Children's Theatre for a Musical Theatre Revue: Dorothy Goes Wicked. It was a mash up of The Wizard of Oz, Wicked, and The Wiz. SO. MUCH. FUN. And I would like to say that I had some doing (other than lights) with how awesome their sharing was. So, I helped them accomplish something. XD Anyway, I can't put pics of the kids on here because, well I just can't. So, I'll put the Elphie and Glinda cupcakes I made (along with my trusty little cousin-sous chefs).

Next, is shoe decorating! I got this idea for this blog and thought "I can do this!" So, I did. I just got some ugly $3 flats from Wal-Mart, mixed up some Modge Podge and glitter that I already had, and got some amazing shoes!

Rawr (; 

Cheap project!

They look bad now, but wait til the Modge Podge dries clear...


Next on the list was to make a card for someone for no reason. So I made a card for my bestie Lenna. We have been friends for several years, but these last couple months we have both been so busy so I thought I'd make her a card to show that I still love her even if we can't hang out as much as we used to:

Which leads me to our last order of business... Gettting a tan without getting a burn - something that I don't think I've ever done in all of my years. Well, Lenna and I were hanging out at the Signature Club pool - for like 6 HOURS! And I really didn't get burnt! It's a miracle!

Thanks for tunin' in! Talk to ya next time on 68 days of serendipity! (;

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 37: Make fun popsicles!

Yay! So I really wish we had a Zoku. But we don't. Because they're very expensive so we have some really old popsicle molds. (:

Anyway, I made some wacky popsicles that I thought I'd share with you:

Ale-8: my favorite drink ever

Fuze: my new favorite drink ever (that's "Fuuuuuu-zeeee" to you...)

Peach: orange juice and real peach slices

Are you ready for this?

I don't think you are...

S'mores: sprite with choc chips, marshmellow fluff, and grahm cracker crumbles

In the end, they were all yummy and we all lived happily ever after. The end!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 36: Drink a gallon of water in one day

Seeing as I loooooove to drink water - and I drink a lot - I thought I'd challenge myself and see if I could drink a gallon (128 oz.) in one day. In order for my mind to fathom exactly how much I would be drinking  - and to skip math - I figured I'd just measure it out all in water bottles; excessive, I know, but fun!

So, this is wimpy. I am a freakin' camel. So I decided to double it.

Much better.

So I only woke up at 2:30, and didn't start drinking any water until 3. I probably could have done 3 or 4 gallons if I had had more time (and water bottles!). So I didn't just sit there and sip, I did stuff! Like...

Play computer

Walk around

Get ready (thank goodness after those previous pics O.o)

Get dressed (and it matches; so me!)

Make cookies!

Burn cookies ):

See my bestest buddy Mead in King Richard III at Summerfest!

So I had a great day! And drank a lot of water too! YAY!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 35: Do something with SLP & Displace a Rock & Run a 10K

Woohoo! So to get caught up from my trip, I will fill you in on stuff I did in the lovely state of Colorado.

But first, I have to tell you about my Augustana College adventure! As you may or may not know, I want to do Speech-Language Pathology as my career. And Augustana had a summer academy program called "True Life: A day in the life a of a Speech Language Pathologist." And it was excellent!

I learned so much! And I met so many awesome people! I'm telling you, it was like we knew each other forever!

I know this is definitely what I want to do after getting to experience observing and interacting in a clinical setting. It was such a great opportunity, and I know I will love this career path so much!

At home, I found a rock in my yard and gave it some google eyes. Once I got to Colorado, I found a quaint little shopping area for it in Breckenridge and hid it there.

Last but certainly not least, run a 10K. So I run crosscountry, but I never had done an official 10K race. Lexington basically only has one 10K a year, the Bluegrass 1000, and for the past couple of years, I've been out of town. However, Colorado is a happenin' spot for all things outdoors!

But, it's also 10X higher altitude than Kentucky. ): The first time I ran, we did about 3 miles, and I maybe actually ran a mile of it. A couple days later, I did a 4K race. And I thought crosscountry was roughin' it. We literally were running up and down a mountain on a steep and rocky dirt path that was at most a foot and a half wide. One wrong step and you were tumbling down the mountain. O.o Needless to say, I did awful. It took me 45 minutes, which is ridiculous!

Despite that awful run, my dad continued to encourage me to do a 10K at the end of the week. And I didn't die! By that time, I was feeling good. My time was 1:14:09, not a very good time, but it way exceeded my expectations. I actually had a normal time! Hopefully, this training will pay off and I will do better now that I'm back in Kentucky.

PS. Ignore how gross we look

PSS. My dad ran a 1/2 marathon, so he is quite a bit more sweaty than me (:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 15: Etch glass

Today we are going to a wedding for my dad's friend's daughter, Megan. Here's us when we were both little on a trip to King's Island. Don't mind the rediculous 90's wear...

Anyway, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to try out glass etching. I got the idea to etch casserole dishes from a site I found on StumbleUpon.

So we bought this Pyrex set and I went to work. I used Armor Etch and I was really impressed with the results. First, I made some assorted stencils (full last name, couple's monogram, and last initial) with my mom's Cricut.


Then I made them stickers, stuck them on the glassware, and taped it really well with painter's tape. You want to make sure it is absolutely stuck because otherwise it will bleed under and mess up your print. I then put a very thick coat of the stuff on and let it sit.

After 10 minutes or so, I washed it off really well - both before and after taking the stencil off.

After drying, it was done - and it looked really great!

After seeing these turn out so well, my mom had me make a vase for my brother's dance teacher's birthday. It has the studio's logo on it:

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