Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 1: "Life live the way you picture it."

So, summer break has officially kicked off  - and so have my summer plans. The first thing I did was make a "Life live the way you picture it" display in my room. I got the idea from

Totally adorable idea right? So, I decided I would try to recreate it. However, I changed it up a little bit.

So, I recognize that hers is much cuter. However, I had to make the changes I did based on:
A) A strict no-tape-on-the-walls policy at my house
B) We did not have a butterfly cut-out on the Cricut, only a bumblebee
C) I couldn't find a jar available, but I did find an empty granola container, haha

Anyway, I am going to leave this up, and I will take a bee off each time I complete one of my tasks. I will drop it into the container, and hopefully by the end of the summer I will have no more bees on the cork.

I look forward to completing the other "bees" on my list. And, I hope you will stay tuned to read about my further projects. Thanks!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 0: About this Blog

Hi guys,
 I am super excited to be starting this new blog! So, the other day I was just playing around on StumbleUpon and I found this super brilliant blog online! This got me thinking about a meaningful way to spend my summer. It kept coming back to me and coming back to me until finally I gave in. I was going to create a list of 68 things (one for each day) and do them over the summer break. Now, I couldn't just say I was going to do it. I had to have something to hold me accountable, and tada, this blog was born! I am not really doing this as something that I expect to have a bajillion readers, but something more for myself to record this summer's memories. I don't know if I'll really be able to finish all of these, but I'm going to sure try. So, here we go!

68 Summer Plans:
2. Create a blog
3. Recreate a celebrity's outfit
4. Make my own jewelry
5. Make a card for someone - for no apparent reason
6. Color the Legacy Trail with sidewalk chalk (kudos to my friend Macy on that one)
7. Sew something I would wear out
8. Eat a meal that's all the same color (brown doesn't count)
9. Run a 10K
10. Make ice cream while babysitting
11. Have a photo shoot with friends
12. Compile 50 special quotes
13. Watch "Titanic"
14. Memorize all the lyrics to an Avett Brothers CD
15. Make school supplies
16. Decorate a cake with fondant (fully covered)
17. Update the picture displays in my bedroom
18. Get a tan, but not a burn
19. Cook dinner with my little brother
20. Do something directly related to Speech-Language Pathology
21. Displace a rock
22. Buy something at Good Will
23. Get a pedicure
24. See a Free Friday Flick at Jacobson Park
25. Get my intermediate liscense
26. Photograph letters from architecture
27. Help a child accomplish something
28. Go a day without bread (gonna' be really hard for me)
29. Make a birthday gift
30. Go to Orange Leaf between the hours of 11-12
31. Buy a new swimsuit
32. Do yoga
33. Send a postcard
34. Get half of these things accomplished (XD)
35. Make popsicles out of stuff that's normally not used to make popsicles
36. Bake without trying any of it before they're completely finished
37. Read my LCT yearbook all the way through
38. See a musical I've never seen
39. Sleep more than 12 hours at one time
40. Finish all my summer homework
41. Make glass-stuff at The Mad Potter
42. Drink over a gallon of water (128 oz) in one day
43. Use two coupons on the same item
44. Color a whole coloring book
45. Etch something on glass
46. Bike the Legacy Trail
47. Compliment a total stranger
48. Get together with someone I haven't talked to in a year
49. Dye my hair with Kool-Aid
50. Read a book in French
51. Give someone an unexpected gift
52. Decorate a pair of shoes
53. Plant something
54. Buy a romper (scary stuff...)
55. Make a scrapbook page
56. Go to the Farmer's Market
57. Sleep outside
58. Make something for our living room
59. Bake savory cupcakes
60. Go out without shoes on (pretend it's Tom's day)
61. Have a cookout
62. Pretend I know someone in a car - that I don't
63. Learn to play ukulele
64. Paint my nails blue
65. Create a video blog post
66. Buy something that screams neon - and figure out how to pull it off
67. Swim in a kiddie pool
68. Paint up for a sporting event

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