Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 2: Read my LCT yearbook

I've had this black book of opportunity sitting on my bookshelf for several weeks now. Many times I wanted to look at it and rediscover my Lexington Children's Theatre memories from the past year, but I wanted to wait to read what everybody said.

So, I decided it was time. It's been awhile since Company B has wound down, and I still have a couple weeks before I apprentice: perfect time.

I just have one word for this place: AMAZING! I counted, and "amazing" was signed at least seven times throughout my book by various people describing various situations. I love you all so much and it was so great to get to relive those memories.

Seeing the memories from Anne Frank and Me and Company B was just so fun! Both of these were unbelievably great experiences that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Thanks for making them so awesome!

It has been a fantastic - no AMAZING - year, and I hope there are many more to come (or at least two - before I go away to college)!

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